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Title: Plan de comunicación digital de la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura de la República Dominicana de cara a su público externo
Author: Hernández Fernández, Dilenia Roselyn
Tutor: Panizo Alonso, Julio Manuel  
Abstract: The actions within a democratic society lie on the respect of fundamental rights that, constantly, must be defended. Issues such as access to information and transparency have gained relevance in the international political debate of recent years, and especially in front of the emergence and quick spread of social networks, public organizations, which are used to transmit information in a unidirectional way, are forced to change its communication pattern in regards to its users. The trend leads them to investigate their needs to strengthen their services and therefore, personalized the way they are provided. We intend, with this practical, professional project, to demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the development of the master's degree in Communication, protocol and events of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, proposing a digital communication plan for the National School of the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic, an educational institution of the public sector dedicated exclusively to the training of judicial servants under a b-learning educational methodology. In the analysis of the school's environment, we have detected that its communication strategy is based on daily publications on the website and social networks. A positive practice, which shows how visible and accessible the organization is, but has not been enough to meet the expectations of dispersed users throughout the country. Also, it is not just about issuing messages, but organization, by enhancing their systems, must ensure to maintain a two-way communication. To do this, we started with an investigation that combines qualitative and quantitative elements, seeking to provide a plan with the necessary information to detect real needs of the targeted public. The research has included interviews with executives, bibliographical reviews, on-site observations of the communicative behavior of external audiences, analysis of media channels, surveys to measure institutional image and perception virtually administered to an audience.
Keywords: communication
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2019
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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