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Resultados 11-18 de 18.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023-09-28Framing femicide in the news, a paradoxical story: A comprehensive analysis of thematic and episodic framesAldrete, Mariana; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia
2023-03-24Improving the social performance of women-led microenterprises: The role of social media marketing actionsAracil-Jordá, Jorge; Clemente-Almendros, José Antonio; Jiménez-Zarco, Ana Isabel; González-González, Inés
2023-11The Impact of Spanish Repression on the Evolution of the Catalan Networked Public Sphere During the Post-Referendum Crisis (2017–2022)Roqueta-Fernàndez, Marta; Cozzo, Emanuele
2023-02-23Inventing reality: Obstinate Orientalism in Victor Segalen’s René LeysPrado-Fonts, Carles; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats
2023-06-02SlicedRAN: Service-Aware Network Slicing Framework for 5G Radio Access NetworksOjaghi Kahjogh, Behnam; Adelantado, Ferran; Antonopoulos, Angelos; Verikoukis, Christos
2023-01-16Validation of the Violent Ideations Scale (VIS) in SpainUrruela, Carlota; Greco, Ana Martina; Díaz-Faes, Diego A.; ZYCH, IZABELA; Pereda, Noemí; Eisner, Manuel; Ribeaud, Denis; Murray, Aja; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política; Universitat de Barcelona (UB); Universidad de Córdoba; University of Cambridge; University of Zurich; University of Edinburgh
2023-07Graffiti narratives: securitization, beautification, and gender in 25 January Revolution CairoGalan, Susana; aamiry-khasawnih, alma
2023-06-21Sexual governmentality and the woman at/as risk in revolutionary EgyptGalan, Susana