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Resultats 41-50 de 190.
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Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2016-03-15Accuracy and bias in Spanish secondary school students' self-concept of math ability: the influence of gender and parental educational levelSainz, Milagros; Upadyaya, Katja; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3); University of Helsinki
2022-06-28Towards a signature pedagogy for technology-enhanced task-based language teaching: Defining its design principlesCanals, Laia; Mor, Yishay; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2023-05-09Gender gaps in the evaluation of academic abilities and their role in shaping study CHOICESSainz, Milagros; Malpica-Lander, Claudia
2021-10-12On the semantic optimum and contextsCalabria, Marco
2013-10-03Multiple sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation to the intact hemisphere improves visual function after unilateral ablation of visual cortexRushmore, Richard Jarrett; De Simone, Christopher; Valero-Cabré, Antoni; Boston University School of Medicine; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2023-01-13Reconnecting with relational values in highly conflicted separating couples: A narrative therapy-informed relational interviewing teamwork-based supervision approachMontesano, Adrián; Madigan, Stephen; Çakmak, Kevser; Ness, Ottar; Brønseth, Stein Roger; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació; Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy; Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2023When Responsible production and consumption matter: the case of Danoneizquierdo-yusta, alicia; Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores; Jiménez-Zarco, Ana Isabel; Ruíz Martínez, Pilar
2022-03-03A Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Progressive MCI in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Structural MRI ImagesAshtari-Majlan, Mona; Seifi, Abbas; Dehshibi, Mohammad Mahdi; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació; Amirkabir University of Technology
2022-11-01Japanese New Left's Political Theories of Subjectivity and Ōshima Nagisa's Practice of Cinemade Vargas, Ferran; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats
2012L’èxit educatiu a Catalunya. Indicadors dels sistemes educatiusAlbaigés Blasi, Bernat; Ferrer-Esteban, Gerard