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Resultados 2961-2970 de 3289.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2007DyMRA : Dynamic Market Deployment for Decentralized Resource AllocationLázaro Iglesias, Daniel; Vilajosana, Xavier; Marquès Puig, Joan Manuel
2021-06-06Participación y ciudadanía activa de los jóvenes a través de Internet y las redes sociales. Un estudio internacionalTheben, Alexandra Dominique Danielle; Aranda, Daniel; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
2015-06-18Les multituds intel·ligents (smart mobs) com a generadores de dades massives (big data): la intel·ligència col·lectiva al servei de la innovació socialSanz-Martos, Sandra; Martínez-Martínez, Silvia; Lara-Navarra, Pablo
2022-07-02Possibilities for futurecasting: designing a digital map of trendsManetti, Alessandro; Lara-Navarra, Pablo; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
2021-03-02Design Trend Forecasting by Combining Conceptual Analysis and Semantic Projections: New Tools for Open InnovationManetti, Alessandro; Ferrer-Sapena, Antonia; Sánchez Pérez, Enrique Alfonso; Lara-Navarra, Pablo
2021-06-06An Analysis of Game Design Elements Used in Digital Game-Based Language LearningGovender, Terence; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan
2021-07-01A Study on the Design and Application of Fictional Storytelling in Online Learning of Computer SecurityArnedo-Moreno, Joan; Garcia-Font, Victor
2009-03The Future of Television: from the boob tube to YouTubeRoca-Sales, Meritxell
2020-07Defining collective identities in technopolitical interaction networksBarandiaran, Xabier; Calleja-Lopez, Antonio; Cozzo, Emanuele; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
2018-01-02Working Towards a New Set of Global Rules for Certain Satellite-Related Commercial Transactions in the Tradition of the Incoterms® RulesSandalinas, Jordi