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Title: Turismo experiencial, creativo y transformador, con un enfoque de género: desarrollo de una plataforma online de experiencias turísticas sostenibles
Author: Llopis Vidal, Patricia
Director: Morales-Pérez, Soledad  
Tutor: Ortega Nuere, María Cristina  
Abstract: In order to develop an entrepreneurship initiative based on the creation of an online platform to commercialize sustainable tourism experiences, a study of the potential demand and the target audience has been carried out, determining that our product fits with the current trends of the market and responds to the needs of our potential customers. On the other hand, there has been an analysis of the market and competition, detecting that there are well-established companies that can pose certain barriers to entry. However, there is evidence around the fact that the tourism experiences market continues to rise and that there are real growth possibilities, establishing our target market for the first years around 0.73% in terms of the number of clients and 0.69% in terms of billing. From the information obtained, a SWOT analysis has been carried out from which the main competitive advantages and the critical success factors for our project emerge. In this way, taking into account the most outstanding elements that position us and differentiate us from our competitors, we have developed a unique value proposal based on four strategic axes: sustainability, creativity, transformative side and gender approach, carrying out a segmentation of our offer of experiences according to product specialization. Finally, work related to the design and construction of the brand image has been addressed, as well as the development of the platform, its main characteristics and operation.
Keywords: brand
sustainable tourism
experience tourism
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 4-Feb-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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