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Title: Nuevo materialismo feminista: engendrar una metodología ético-onto-epistemológica
Author: Revelles Benavente, Beatriz  
González Ramos, Ana M.  
Nardini, Krizia
Citation: REVELLES BENAVENTE, Beatriz; GONZÁLEZ RAMOS, Ana M.; NARDINI, Krizia (coord.) (2014). «Nuevo materialismo feminista: engendrar una metodología ético-onto-epistemológica» [nodo en línea]. Artnodes. N.º 14, pág 2-6. UOC. [Fecha de consulta: dd/mm/aa] < n14-revelles-gonzalez-nardini-es> <>
Abstract: This special issue has been mostly based on communications presented at the Fifth New Materialist Conference on 25-26 September 2014 in Barcelona. Hosted by the Interdisciplinary Internet Institute attached to the Open University of Catalonia, this conference was also the kick-off event for ISCH Cost Action IS1307 on ¿New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on How Matter Comes to Matter¿, organized by the GENTIC research group in collaboration with several European universities and partially funded by the Spanish Women¿s Institute in order to highlight (in)visible structural oppressions. The September conference, titled ¿New Materialist Methodologies: Gender, Politics, the Digital¿, was highly productive in terms of the intellectual contribution of ideas and content-wise papers on the subject of gender, methodologies, politics and digital cultures from a new-materialist framework. The articles in this issue constitute a sample of very insightful approaches coming from various areas within the conference themes. New materialism is a transversal approach still in the making but becoming increasingly consolidated as demonstrated by the support of the European Union and of the eighty participants in the September conference. Nevertheless, the conference highlighted several issues as still works in progress that need to be further explored. One of these issues is the elaboration of new materialist methodology/methodologies. Indeed, in order to be able to engender critical interventions in oppressive phenomena, a methodological plan remains a sine qua non condition.
Keywords: materialismo feminista
DOI: 10.7238/a.v0i14.2410
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 12-Feb-2014
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Appears in Collections:2014, n. 14

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