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Title: Sistema experto basado en reglas, para determinar la calidad de las aguas superficiales del litoral atlántico andaluz
Author: Torres Rodríguez, Daniel Jesus
Tutor: Isern, David  
Others: Ventura, Carles  
Abstract: Artificial inteligence applied to intelligent control through a rule based expert system is a promissing tool for complex data analysis. Because of large amounts of dependent data can be processed in a faster and accurated way compared with the conventional methods, expert systems programation is an ideal complement to human decision making. In quality control management, individual products properties need to be matched with concrete legal specifications, being therefore an ideal candidate for appliying the expert system programming method. Due to the growing interest in environmental concerns, an analysis of the quality control of surface water of the andalusian Atlantic coast based on expert system is proposed here. In comparison to traditional methods based on eye by eye direct analysis between measured data and legal requeriments, expert system presented here is able to stablish this comparative study in a more efficient way. Chemical status and others physicochemical parameters such as oxygenation or nutrients were assesed to evaluate the environmental water quality. Reports obtained after expert system analysis, provide information regarding to water quality according to legal cumpliments. As quality levels of individual parameters are limiting to water quality, reports also gives information about each station or hydrografic demarcation. In addition, new conclusions can also be extracted from these reports, such as the need to evaluate potential environmental risks, assess the frequency and rigor of current analyzes or establish preventive and corrective actions for a better andalusian coastal waters environmental water quality.
Keywords: surface water quality
artificial intelligence
expert system
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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