La gestió de la infodèmia i la desinformació en situacions d’emergència: una perspectiva des de C...Veure
L’auge de la desinformació que ha acompanyat les situacions d’emergència en la darrera dècada ha generat un ecosistema informatiu d’una complexitat increïble. No existeix una solució simple per com...
Internet of Things-Based Multi-Agent System for the Control of Smart Street LightingVeure
The Internet of Things refers to a network of interconnected devices, objects, and systems, that can interact with one another without human intervention. The adoption of IoT technology has expande...
Gender and Science Policy Briefs: From “Where to start” to “How to innovate”Veure
This GenPORT deliverable (D4.8) policy brief series is geared to national level
policy makers and institutional science leaders in research performing
organisations (RPOs) and research funding or...
Evolutionary Dynamics of the Genotype-Phenotype MapVeure
Our aim is to study the evolutionary properties of a model of the genotype-phenotype. The relation between genotype and phenotype is very complicated. Such complexity is a consequence of the fact t...
Surviving evolutionary escape on complex genotype-phenotype networksVeure
We study the problem of evolutionary escape and survival for cell pop-
ulations with genotype-phenotype map. Classical approaches, which do not con-
sider populations with genotype-phenotype stru...