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2011-02-04Determination of resveratrol and piceid in beer matrices by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometryChiva-Blanch, Gemma; urpi, mireia; Rotches-Ribalta, Maria; Zamora-Ros, Raul; llorach, rafael; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón; Andres-Lacueva, Cristina
2012-02Differential effects of polyphenols and alcohol of red wine on the expression of adhesion molecules and inflammatory cytokines related to atherosclerosis: a randomized clinical trialChiva-Blanch, Gemma; urpi, mireia; llorach, rafael; Rotches-Ribalta, Maria; Guillén, Marisa; Casas, Rosa; Arranz, Sara; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; Portoles, Olga; Dolores, Corella; Tinahones, Francisco J; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Andres-Lacueva, Cristina; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2014-08-02Effects of alcohol and polyphenols from beer on atherosclerotic biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk men: A randomized feeding trialChiva-Blanch, Gemma; Magraner, Emma; Condines, Ximena; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; Roth, Irene; Arranz, Sara; Casas, Rosa; Navarro, Marisa; Hervás, Alicia; Sisó Almirall, Antoni; Martínez-Huélamo, Miriam; Vallverdu-Queralt, Anna; Quifer Rada, Paola; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2012-09-05Effects of red wine polyphenols and alcohol on glucose metabolism and the lipid profile: A randomized clinical trialChiva-Blanch, Gemma; urpi, mireia; Ros, Emilio; llorach, rafael; Andres-Lacueva, Cristina; Estruch Riba, Ramón; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; Casas, Rosa; Arranz, Sara; Marisa, Guillén
2013-02-13Effects of wine, alcohol and polyphenols on cardiovascular disease risk factors: evidences from human studiesChiva-Blanch, Gemma; Arranz, Sara; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2013-12-23The non-alcoholic fraction of beer increases stromal cell derived factor 1 and the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in high cardiovascular risk subjects: A randomized clinical trialChiva-Blanch, Gemma; Condines, Ximena; Magraner, Emma; Roth, Irene; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; ARRANZ, SARA; Casas, Rosa; Martínez-Huélamo, Miriam; Vallverdu-Queralt, Anna; Quifer Rada, Paola; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón
2023-05-13Total carotene plasma concentrations are inversely associated with atherosclerotic plaque burden: A post-hoc analysis of the DIABIMCAP cohortBujosa, Francesc; Herreras, Zoe; Catalan, Marta; Pinyol, Montse; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Martínez-Huélamo, Miriam; Gilabert, Rosa; Jimenez, Amanda; Ortega Martinez de Victoria, Emilio; Chiva-Blanch, Gemma
2012-06-02Virgin olive oil and nuts as key foods of the Mediterranean diet effects on inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosisurpi, mireia; Casas, Rosa; Chiva-Blanch, Gemma; Romero-Mamani, Edwin Saúl; Valderas-Martínez, Palmira; Arranz, Sara; Andres-Lacueva, Cristina; llorach, rafael; Medina-Remón, Alexander; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch Riba, Ramón