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Title: Anàlisi del trastorn d'estrès posttraumàtic en relació als símptomes psicològics i a la qualitat de vida en pacients migrants
Author: González Aumatell, Núria
Tutor: Alvarez-Garcia, Alicia  
Others: Vall-llovera, Montse  
Abstract: Migrant patients typically show a high prevalence of traumatic experiences and are subject to certain sources of stress and specific vulnerabilities that are most prominent amongst that particular subset of population. This can trigger the onset of mental disorders, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or the complex PTSD and thereby evidences the need to investigate the relationship between psychological symptoms, the severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms and the quality of life of patients of diverse cultural origin. Thus, the main goal of this research was to identify the relationships between these variables in patients who are attended in the Transcultural Psychiatry Program of Vall d'Hebron Hospital. The research hypothesis proposes that the higher the severity of PTSD symptoms, the lower the quality of life and the greater the psychological symptoms patients will present. This is, therefore, a correlational investigation. The methodology used to validate the hypothesis is a non-experimental descriptive methodology with quantitative design. Significant results have been found regarding the correlations between the various psychological symptoms, the PTSD and the quality of life that confirm the initial hypothesis raised. However, the three main deficits of any research (time, resources and knowledge) have conditioned the possibility of obtaining highly explanatory and generalizable results. It is proposed to further research this line, expanding the sample and observing in a longitudinal way the relationships between these variables (psychosocial included) over time and the effect of various types of treatment in reducing the psychological discomfort of patients.
Keywords: migration
psychological symptoms
quality of life
transcultural psychiatry
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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