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Title: Emma health platform
Author: Fabregat de Pablo, Clara
Tutor: Calleja García, Carla
Others: Melenchón, Javier  
Abstract: This document shows a descriptive report of the Disseny i Creació Digitals final project. Emma Health Platform is a tool of comunication between a patient, his relatives and his doctors from Hospital Institut Guttmann of Barcelona. In the interest of proving the platform applicability, there has been elaborated a study for testing the efficiency of this communication tool. This report displays a research about the center and the different profiles with the aim of defining their necessities and funcionalities to consider for the creation of this new tool. Finally, the design of the platform is presented. This project offers a solution in order to improve the Hospital Institut Guttmann comunication.
Keywords: platforms design
communication tools
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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