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Title: Disseny i desplegament municipal d'una xarxa de distribució de fibra òptica
Author: Ramos Bolea, Joan
Director: Monzo, Carlos  
Tutor: Martínez Illamola, Víctor
Abstract: In the last years, optical fiber has undergone a great expansion as a transmission media to navigate through the Internet properly because of its high performance. However, there are still towns that do not have optical fiber because the development is still in process and in certain locations there is no optical fiber service of any operator. In this assignment we will focus on the optical fiber deployment project, which will include the infrastructure, equipment and the technology needed for Espinelves, a rural town located between the region of Osona and La Selva, that currently does not has service. We will begin to contextualize the place where the FTTH deployment will take effect and the technical characteristics. We will create the design, the development of the project that will define the equipment needed for the network functionality. Besides that, we will offer the interconnection of the municipal main units through wireless by contracting only one fiber, in order to reduce the anual costs for the Internet service to the Council of Espinelves.
Keywords: optical fiber
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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