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Title: Estudio del efecto de la inclusión de fucus spiralis liofilizado en un envase biodegradable de gelatina, sobre la calidad de caballa conservada en refrigeración a 4ºC
Author: Nozal Cantarero, Pedro
Tutor: Alonso Osorio, María Josefa
Abstract: As a result of the growing demand for quality fresh marine products, food technology has developed a great diversity of innovative refrigeration strategies that have contributed to continued development and innovation in the sector. Among the proposed technological solutions is the use of algae as potential source of antimicrobial and antioxidant elements. Some works already have encouraging results from different species, very abundant in the Galician coast due to the action of their polyphenolic components, etc. In this project we have tried to verify if there are significant differences in the degradation of mackerel muscle (Scomber scombrus) when preserved in a biofilm including lyophilized Fucus spiralis with different. The development of such strategy can open new research fields in the same direction and be a sustainable solution for the transport, conservation and exposure of marine products.
Keywords: fucus spiralis
microbial activity
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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