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Title: Reconocimiento de señales de tráfico
Author: González Hidalgo, Antonio
Director: Ventura, Carles  
Tutor: Burguera, Antoni  
Abstract: This TFM presents a system capable of detecting and classifying traffic signs from static images. The proposed system is based on two neural networks: one for signal detection and one for classification. In the first part, the work is focused on finding the parameters that offer the best accuracy for each of the NNCs. Then, a series of examples are made to check the correct functioning of the CNNs. Each CNN is analyzed separately and finally, an example of the global operation of the system is implemented.
Keywords: deep learning
neural networks
traffic signs
signal detection
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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