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Title: Diferències en el comportament electoral entre andorrans i residents estrangers a Andorra
Author: Zapata Dos Santos, Vicente
Director: Serrano, Ivan  
Tutor: Rodon, Toni  
Abstract: In this thesis it is presented the differences regarding the electoral behaviour among the Andorran population of foreign nationality, those who are not allowed to vote, and the Andorran nationals. Furthermore, it is analysed how variables for age and ideology can be explanatory causes for these differences. To start, it is presented a group of data that shows the social structure of the country and the labour market, the difference between both categories, the changes in the demographics and the laws that explain the current situation. This study seeks to create a full picture of the Andorran society in relation to its electoral behaviour, but most importantly, provide data related to a social and politically relevant group of people; the migrants. By doing this, it is expected to fill a gap in the scientific knowledge. There is no previous research done on the topic of the electoral behaviour of foreigners in Andorra. The comparative analysis will be based on the seventh wave of the WVS from a quantitative perspective and using statistical analysis such as univariate frequencies, multivariate and bivariate logistic regressions.
Keywords: democracy
electoral behavior
world values survey
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2019
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