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Title: Psicologia: la ciència de l'ànima. El mite d'Eros i Psique aplicat al Pràcticum
Author: Morer Casterad, Glòria
Tutor: Selva Olid, Clara
Abstract: "II Jornada del Prácticum de Psicología 2020". Visualization of the subject of the Practicum of Psychology as the way to go in order to internalize the theory and reflect it to the real practice of the profession, including a look at the difficulties, doubts and personal uncertainties experienced throughout the Practicum; all this, from the love of this discipline.
Keywords: practices
psychology of organizations
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 14-Mar-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Pósters del Prácticum

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