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Title: La atracción migratoria de las ciudades turísticas y la transformación del sistema urbano litoral mediterráneo español. Un análisis a escala local del período 1991 a 2011
Other Titles: The migratory attraction of tourist cities and the transformation of the Mediterranean coastal Spanish urban system. An analysis at a local scale from 1991 to 2011
Author: González-Reverté, Francesc  
Blay Boqué, Jordi
Others: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Citation: González Reverté, F. & Blay Boqué, J. (2019). La atracción migratoria de las ciudades turísticas y la transformación del sistema urbano litoral mediterráneo español. Un análisis a escala local del período 1991 a 2011. Revista de Estudios Regionales, (114), 171-196.
Abstract: The work focus on the migratory attraction of the tourist cities of the Spanish Mediterranean littoral system during the period 1991-2011 as a manifestation of regional mobility in this area. The main goal of the research is to analyse the distribution of migrants at the local level and to measure the effects that their distribution have on the transformation of the urban system. The main results show that, due to their relevance in migratory attraction, tourist cities are the focus of the social and urban transformation that has occurred in the urban system from 1991 to 2011.
Keywords: tourism cities
urban system
migratory attraction
coastal tourism
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Appears in Collections:Articles
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