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Title: Recomendador para mejorar el proceso de compra en centros comerciales de las Smart Cities
Author: Arias Barra, Ignacio
Director: Monzo, Carlos  
Tutor: Monzon Baeza, Victor  
Abstract: In order to improve the client experience at purchase action, this project proposes a scenario where Smart Shopping Centre and new Technologies are combined in a Smart City environment. The developed work takes into account already done appraisals about people that visited several Shopping Centers and how they realize how much useful recommendation systems are when they have to choice about where and what to buy. In this context, this project will show some algorithm examples, based on Collaborative Filtering, that are currently used on e-commerce. A wireless access system it is deployed along all shops in a Smart Shopping Center. This system will be monitoring clients and collecting data from them. This data will feed a recommendator system based on Collaborative Filtering algorithms. Clients will access to the system using their own mobile devices (through a proposed Mobile APP) and other wireless devices (such as RFID tags) and they will able to get benefits receiving different-criteria generated recommendations from system. Finally, after all system description, some examples of recommendations are showed in last chapters for a better understanding of the solution proposed.
Keywords: smartphones
smart cities
collaborative filtering
smart shopping centre
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 26-Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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