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Title: Identitat visual i disseny d'una aplicació mòbil per al transport en bicicleta per la ciutat de Barcelona
Author: Aranda Reig, Ferran
Director: Vila, Irma  
Tutor: Schvarstein Liuboschetz, Sergio
Abstract: "PedalApp" is an innovative application for mobile devices, with a physical support based on a bicycle helmet, which will help to improve circulation and coexistence between bicycles, motor vehicles and pedestrians. Large cities have reached their point of collapse, between private and delivery vehicles as well as public transport, and naturally the bicycle has come back to stay. There are a large number of applications that are dedicated to cycling as a sport or leisure model, but there is practically no room for useful functionalities for cycling as a regular means of transport. "PedalApp" is designed for people who have made this change in their means of transport to move around on a daily basis. It must be a tool for improving safety, helping to develop good traffic habits and improving collaboration for a more sustainable society. "PedalApp" has been designed as a mobile application in its initial version, but web support has been provided so that users can collect data or create a network of people who, like them, are regular bicycle users.
Keywords: web applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 15-Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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