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Title: Protocolo de intervención desde la farmacia comunitaria para la prevención temprana de la desnutrición y la sarcopenia en adultos mayores de 65 años
Author: Sagaseta Fernández, Miren Irune
Tutor: Bosque-Prous, Marina  
Abstract: Malnutrition is one of the main geriatric disorders that suffer elderly people. It is related to aging and high prevalence chronic diseases, causing a significant public health problem. From the Community Pharmacy, patients over 65 years old are identified on malnutrition risk or incipient malnutrition, using the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF), nutritional screening tool for the community scope. Sarcopenia is evaluated with specific questionnaire SARC-F and the physical function through simple validated tests, giving continuity to the assessment and early nutritional treatment, with the final purpose of setting a multidisciplinary monitoring in Primary Health Care. This is what European Guidelines lead, to systematize the screening on all healthcare areas. In addition, must be included nutritional education training, oriented towards elderly population and their caregivers, trough training tips and continuous learning for health professionals. They are preventive and effective measures to decrease the malnutrition prevalence, avoiding negative health consequences, which contributes to extend the aid dependency free period improving life quality on elderly patients. It is necessary to revaluate periodically the weight and positive screening results, to include the nutritional screening sarcopenia registry in computerized medical records. Using current tools like a platform to import and share this data with the aim of achieve the multidisciplinary approach of malnutrition and its risk in elderly people.
Keywords: intervention protocol
nutritional education
community pharmacy
garbellat nutricional
nutritional screening
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2020
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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