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Title: Evaluación e intervención en un caso de tumor cerebral localizado en la ínsula izquierda
Author: Congost Marín, María
Tutor: Rios-Lago, Marcos  
Abstract: Single case study of a 32-year-old left-handed patient, diagnosed with a low-grade glia tumor in April 2019, which is resected in the left insular region by an operation with awake patient, since it could affect eloquent areas. The interest of the study is that although the prevalence of the disease is low, the number of patients who survive cancer has increased in recent decades due, among other reasons, to the early diagnosis and available treatments. The patient has slight deficits in attention, speed of information processing and executive functions, which affect her daily life. In addition to rehabilitation, we must consider other prognostic factors such as age, education level (higher education, type of tumor and treatment, with absence of radiotherapy), good social support and a positive attitude towards life. The treatment plan includes three sessions a week, 1 of them at home through NeuronUP program, of 45 minutes each, to rehabilitate altered abilities, including both cognitive stimulation sessions, psychoeducation, behavior modification and problems resolution techniques, that would help the patient to achieve greater independence and quality of life.
Keywords: brain tumor
low grade glioma
neuropsychological assesment
neuropsychological déficit
neuropsychological intervention
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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