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Title: Aplicación para el establecimiento de rutas turísticas inteligentes
Author: Velayos San Juan, Diego
Director: Monzo, Carlos  
Tutor: Crespo García, David
Abstract: The weight of tourism in the Spainish economy (according to 2017 data) represents the 14.9% of the GDP (Gross National Product), including direct and indirect effects derived from this activity. But not only in Spain, but in the rest of the countries, tourism activity has become an important source of income to their economies. There are many ways to enhance this income of capital. In this TFM we will address to an improvement in the tourist experience, simplifying and making accessible existing tourist resources in the cities with the intention of attract all kind of tourists, especially those who do not travel regularly due to difficulties in tracing the travel plan. In addition, given the current conditions due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, the control and management of crowds is a must and it is necessary to minimize the infection curve and, at the same time, continue with the economy of the cities running. We will approach to different data sources, evaluating those that are viable due to their reliability and quality, establishing a single source of data that serves to maintain and feed the knowledge database. Finally, we will develop an APP for Android from which data sources can be consulted, and smartroutes can be established based on user preferences and taking into account sustainability reasons, crowd control and optimization of duration of the stay.
Keywords: sustainable tourism
tourist destination
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Publication license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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