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Title: Disseny de la identitat visual corporativa i disseny d'espai de venda online per la botiga Gameria
Author: Dalmau Prat, Albert
Tutor: Morera Vidal, Francesc
Others: Adell, Ferran  
Vila, Irma
Abstract: The project consists in the creation of a new visual identity and an online store for Gameria, nowadays a successful physical tabletop gaming store which also sells competitive cards and merchandising. At the moment, this store operates under the brand Júpiter Juegos Barcelona, but will change it's identity as soon as the actions described above are finalised. With this name change, the company seeks to reinvent itself -and more importantly, break away from the franchise under which it currently operates (the brand "Júpiter Juegos")-, as well as expand its market thanks to e-commerce. As it will be changing its brand, Júpiter Juegos Barcelona is in need of creating a new visual identity that will help it differentiate itself from other competitors in the sector, allow it to have its own personality and consolidate the appeal of its new online sales channel. In this new phase, one of the key elements for the company will be the creation of its own e-commerce site, which will become the place where potential customers will discover the brand (who they are and what they offer), and at the same time, a space to bond with loyal customers of the physical shop, who will be able to enjoy all the comforts of online shopping for the first time (such as being able to buy from home, information about news and offers, information about the calendar of events and tournaments scheduled in the store, etc). Another key element will be the creation of the new brand Gameria, accompanied by a logo which will become the visual identifying element in all digital or print documents of the store. Moving forward, this new brand and logo will become the visual identity of the company in the eyes of current and potential customers. Likewise, this thesis project will be an example on how to transfer knowledge from the university to society, as it will focus on applying academic knowledge into the real world. Concretely, I will focus on creating the corporate and brand manual for the new Gameria brand (brand image, logo, applications, graphic and design guidelines, etc.), but also on the design aspects of this new e-commerce site and a simple promotion campaign of this new brand and store.
Keywords: corporate visual identity
graphic design
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jan-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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