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Title: Anàlisi comparatiu de la idoneïtat de diversos combustibles respecte costos i emissions
Author: Palencia Picó, Alejandro
Tutor: Morales Fusco, Pau
Abstract: The use of vehicles that use Hydrogen (FEV) or electricity (BEV) are shown as an ideal alternative to the current hegemony of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICE). However, there are concerns about the possible imbalance generated by new types of fuels in relation to emissions generated during the Well-to-Wheel (WTW) process. This paper aims to analyze the costs- direct and indirect - in a generic way as well as the externalities and emissions generated by these types of fuels, by creating various fictitious scenarios, aiming to obtain results on the suitability of a fuel over the rest in the currently analyzed circumstances The methodology is based on bibliographic analysis; the use of major road freight transport observatories for cost analysis; the Handbook on the external costs of transport for external costs, and computer software for emissions analysis, based on the GLEC and UNE EN 16258 model. At first, the best results were presented by the ICE, given that obtaining the energy needed to generate electricity and hydrogen had very high emission factors with the current energy mix. An adaptation and consolidation by the state in the use of renewable energies, as well as a tax reduction, similarly to the ones applied to ICE, could shift completely the current hegemony in favour of BEV and FEV vehicles.
Keywords: hydrogen
internal combustion engines
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 11-Nov-2020
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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