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Title: Los enfrentamientos de Argos con Esparta por la hegemonía del Peloponeso a lo largo de la época clásica
Author: Gracia Artal, Jesús
Tutor: Sierra Martín, César  
Abstract: A latent conflict between two bordering states in the Peloponnese, Sparta and Argos, has been involved throughout the Classical Period in order to achieve the full hegemony. This rivalry becomes a constant clash in an open war in certain historical moments between both states. Although Sparta managed to hold on to its supremacy during that period, this did not discourage Argos to take advantage of its weakest moments in order to poach over Sparta's allies, whose help contributed to dispute Sparta's dominant position. Argos believed to enjoy sufficient legitimacy to hold hegemony, sustained in its mythical and historic past. This dispute, for its part, had some profound consequences at internal level for the Argive state most of the time, whose social-political fabric was affected due to its failure to challenge the Lacedaemon state, emerging the stasis. Consequently, this conflict, which stretched over a long period of time, helped to establish some diverse local traditions both in Argos as well as in Sparta and lead to conceal the reality of the facts, which were collected and issued by our sources. Therefore, our main aim is to study both the causes and consequences of this confrontation, as well as the real relevance of Argos during this time.
Keywords: argos
classical period
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2021
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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