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Title: Escola i presó a Catalunya. Una radiografia del dret a l'educació a les presons catalanes
Author: Esteban Miralles, Arnau
Tutor: González Prieto, Pau
Abstract: The right to lifelong learning is a fundamental right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution. Thus, if we take into account that the penalty of deprivation of liberty cannot, by constitutional imperative, limit fundamental rights that are not so by conviction, the meaning of the sentence or the penitentiary law, it will be necessary to see if the right to education it is affected in some way in people who are deprived of their liberty, serving sentences, or pre-trial detention, in a prison. Thus, first of all, the regulations and jurisprudence on the right to education in prisons will be analyzed. Secondly, a study will be made of the way in which the right to education materializes within the penitentiary environment, taking into account that, as such, the environment is made up of a set of structures of different types that interact between they generate their own idiosyncrasy, shaped by administrative regulations governing living conditions in prison, which refer, in particular, to the regime and treatment. Thus, it will be necessary to see what position it occupies and what relations and implications the educational system has in practice.
Keywords: right to education
prison treatment
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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