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Title: Vitae: a videogame presentation letter
Author: Javier Riera, Javier
Director: Arnedo-Moreno, Joan  
Tutor: Duch, Jordi  
Abstract: Vitae: A Videogame Presentation is a short videogame created with the intent of being used and shown as a CV, and shows what the developer is capable of creating. With that objective, several mechanics that are already implemented in previously created games are used, but they are integrated in a narrative frame in which the main character is the creator of the game himself, whose objective is acquiring all the needed abilities and skills required to find a job as a videogame programmer. Following the advice from Vitae, a little fairy that will guide him on his journey, Javi will defeat all of the usual enemies that a programmer tends to find in the industry, an in doing so, will complete his learning experience. This game is intended to be fast, entertaining and easy to show to potential employers. For this, it is playable on a web browser from a web address provided by the creator, minimizing the entry barrier for employers to experience the CV.
Keywords: video games
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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