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Title: Design and characterisation of 5G mmWave MIMO antenna systems with beamforming capabilities over AWGN and rayleigh channels
Author: Fernández Rubio, Ricardo
Director: Morán Moreno, Jose Antonio  
Tutor: Andújar, Aurora  
Abstract: In the light of the incessant technological breakthroughs occurred in 5G and beyond B5G wireless communication systems to assure high coverage, reliability, spectral efficiency and mobility characteristics, the exploitation of 5G FR2 mmWave spectrum in conjunction with MIMO antenna systems may provide the most appropriate solution to enable 5G ecosystem by fulfilling these demanding requirements. While 5G mmWave band offers optimal bandwidths (>1GHz) and extreme data rates (>20Gbps), it must be noted that EM waves suffer from higher path losses, thus limiting channel SNR/coverage. In this regard, not only do MIMO antenna systems may increase channel SNR/coverage and mobility by implementing Beamforming techniques but also channel robustness and capacity may be enhanced when performing Generalized Beamforming and SU/MU- MIMO techniques via exploiting spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing, respectively. Furthermore, since frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional, it will be feasible to deploy low-profile multi-antenna MIMO resonant systems in the 5G mmWave band without compromising available physical dimensions. Therefore, firstly a 5G mmWave 28 GHz MSA microstrip patch antenna with 1 GHz bandwidth will be designed and characterised with CST and MATLAB. Consequently, three prototypes of 5G mmWave 28 GHz MIMO bidimensional planar antenna systems with Beamforming, Generalized Beamforming and SU/MU- MIMO techniques respectively will be designed and analysed with CST and MATLAB depending on channel propagation model (LOS AWGN/NLOS Rayleigh) and MIMO system requirements (SNR, coverage, BER, capacity, mobility). In conclusion, even though it has been proved that MIMO antenna systems do enhance SISO antenna systems performance, a trade-off must be made between these MIMO system requirements when it comes to defining the number of sub-arrays, antennas per sub-array, array current distribution, electric distance between antennas as well as the most suitable MIMO techniques to be implemented.
Keywords: 5G
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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