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Title: Diseño y simulación firmware de una transmisión de squitters en modo S encriptados mediante RSA
Author: Mayo Vilches, Jorge
Director: Monzo, Carlos  
Tutor: Ortega Redondo, Juan Antonio
Abstract: This project aims to present the design and development that takes place in a communication system based on the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) protocol. IFF is a cryptographic identification system used in both civil and military fields. In the civilian field it is used to control air traffic, while in the military field its function is to distinguish enemy vehicles from non-enemy vehicles. This project specifically designs and develops the transmission and reception of encrypted squitters, the encryption is carried out using an asymmetric key cryptographic system based on the RSA algorithm. Using a FPGA and developing in Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) description language, the communication between two devices based on IFF protocol is simulated, in particular the transmission of S-mode squitters, consisting of a preamble and a set of encrypted data. The user interface part is composed by two microcontrollers connected to a FPGA mentioned before via two serial ports. One microcontroller simulates the aircraft, simulating a user control via a touch screen, the other microcontroller simulates the ground station, which is connected via ethernet, to provide a visualization of all airspace aircraft on a dynamic web page. Aiming for the future, the analysis and design of the equipment's transmission and reception stages will take place in a PCB , with the objective of achieving a transmission via RF.
Keywords: FPGA
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
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Apareix a les col·leccions:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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