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Title: Una mirada lila a la immigració: el capgirament de l'ordre establert. Conseqüències del procés migratori per a les dones protagonistes de L'últim patriarca, La filla estrangera i Mare de llet i mel, de Najat El Hachmi
Author: Fons Esparza, Marta
Tutor: Gatell Pérez, Montserrat  
Others: Figueras Capdevila, Narcís  
Abstract: In this final degree project, we analyze how Najat El Hachmi, through the books The Last Patriarch, The Foreign Daughter and Mother of Milk and Honey, gives voice to women who have suffered and are suffering violence, symbolic and institutional, in the migratory processes they have had to undertake. We focus on understanding the extent to which the author, from these three books, uses literature as a means of depicting the violence suffered by women in the migration process. The main research question is to explain the effect that migration has on each of the female protagonists of the three stories. Studying these three works helps us understand a part of contemporary Catalan literature that gives voice, through fiction, to female characters with life experiences related to migrations, and allows us to understand how these situations condition their identities for ever, turning them into frontier identities.
Keywords: linguistic perspective
gender perspective
sexist violence
border identities
culture shock
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Dec-2020
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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