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Title: Requeriments nutricionals d'un futbolista professional, considerant la seva demarcació de joc
Author: Ferrer Herrero, Pol
Director: Bach-Faig, Anna  
Tutor: Giménez-Blasi, Nuria  
Abstract: Soccer is a sport that requires a high energetic demand for the player due to the physical exigence originated by training and competing. In this sense, the promotion of energetic and nutritional individualized programs has been associated with an optimal sport performance. Therefore, the adaptation of the nutrition to the soccer player weight or to the training duration would encourage a maximal expression of the physical and cognitive soccer player capabilities. In addition, this study pretends to describe general nutritional guidelines for a soccer player. Furthermore, this research focus on the investigation of physical efforts characterized by every soccer player position, fact that could help to individualize nutritional programs for the players considering their position on the pitch. Moreover, a structured search was carried out using databases such as Pubmed or Cochrane Library. In relation to the results, general macronutrient and micronutrient guidelines are shared and validated by the scientific community. Still, it has been observed that midfielders are the players who run the longest distances during a match and the forwards and wingers are the soccer players that perform more anaerobic efforts during the development of the competition. For this reason, this study suggests an additional contribution of carbohydrates as an energetic tool for these players due the physical exigences explained by the player position.
Keywords: soccer nutrition
activity profile
energy requirements
energy pathways
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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