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Title: Reyes que son dioses y dioses que eligen a los reyes. La relación entre divinidad y realeza en Egipto y Mesopotamia durante el III milenio A.C.
Author: Torres Cuenca, Xavier
Director: Glòria, Munilla  
Tutor: Vidal Palomino, Jordi
Abstract: This work, framed within the scope of the ancient Near East, tries to deepen the relationship between royalty and divinity in the territorial contexts of Egypt and Mesopotamia throughout the third millennium. The forms of royal legitimation were linked in both societies to a particular connection with the gods, but while Egyptian theology constantly tried to identify the pharaoh with divine dignity, in the context of the growing tradition, it placed the monarch as a human being in favor of the gods. The origin of the royal figures in both territories is analyzed, as well as the development of the theological principles that gave rise to the different conception of the royal institution, and a general diachronic framework is drawn on the evolution of monarchies and beliefs. religious. In addition, academic debates focused on the conception of divinity and on realities of a sociological and anthropological nature are exposed.
Keywords: kingship
III millenium
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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