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Title: Les ressenyes de llibres a les xarxes socials i la llengua catalana
Author: Martín Marro, Aina
Tutor: Girbés Aparisi, Joan Carles
Abstract: The evolution of digital technologies and the emergence of social networks have made possible the emergence of prescribers of readings on the Internet, which have led to a change from the traditional way of doing reviews. New reviewers of the digital environment have managed to influence the consumption decisions of readers, especially among young people, across multiple platforms. El nombre de ressenyadors de lectura en català s'ha incrementat en els darrers anys, però és molt inferior al nombre de ressenyadors existents en castellà, així com el seu nivell d'influència. At the linguistic level, it seems that the Catalan language enjoys a certain good health on the net, but we must not forget that the younger generations have a fundamental role to play in the future use of a language. Thus, everything seems to indicate that it is necessary to create references in Catalan in the networks for young people and also to try to normalize the situation of the language so that it can be a common language on the Internet. There is still a way to go and space to create a strong community of Catalan language prescribers.
Keywords: reviewers
catalan language
publishing promotion
social networks
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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