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Title: Estrategia de marketing de contenidos inclusiva: accesibilidad de las campañas de marketing para personas con discapacidades sensoriales
Author: Ftah, Khadija
Tutor: Adá-Lameiras, Alba  
Abstract: Content marketing is a trend among brands, however, being a strategy aimed at attracting customers, paradoxically some of the online content marketing campaigns do not take into account the particularities of access to the web that some groups have, such as people with sensory disabilities. This work aims to become a practical guide for brands when creating inclusive content marketing strategies. To this end, a mixed methodology was used. In the quantitative dimension, a survey was conducted to study the accessibility barriers encountered by people with visual, hearing and deafblindness disabilities when accessing digital content published by brands. On the other hand, within the qualitative dimension, a content analysis was carried out, focusing on the degree of accessibility of two content marketing campaigns: the 'Dove' microsite 'Project for self-esteem' and the 'The beauty and the city' blog of 'Maybelline', following the parameters set out in the accessibility guidelines of the World wide web Consortium. The study concludes that the digital content published by the brands is neither inclusive nor accessible to people with sensory disabilities, and the level of accessibility of the 'Dove' and 'Maybelline' websites is low, lacking essential features of universal design, such as descriptions of images, transcriptions of visual and audio content, and subtitles and audio description in videos.
Keywords: content marketing
web accessibility
inclusive branding
universal design
inclusive content
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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