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Title: Uso de Twitch en la información y comunicación política. Estudio de los casos de Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez y Emilio Doménech
Author: Cuenca Aliaga, Marlena
Tutor: Benach Pascual, Ernest
Abstract: The context of this dissertation is a contemporary time when political disaffection and new media forms of consumption led by young people pushes both political communication strategies and journalists to seek new ways and tools throughout which communicate with them effectively. One of these tools is Twitch streaming platform. In this paper, I first analyse the situation of the media, the changes in the uses of information, political communication in the online era and the current situation and innovation in journalism. Subsequently, I examine Twitch platform, its target audience, its history, and its growth in recent times, to an extent due to the current pandemic situation that has encouraged its use. I also explore the potential of Twitch platform as a tool through which to meet the purpose of connecting politics with young people. In order to complete the analysis, I carried out a survey and from its results I conclude that the impact of this platform is especially important among Millennials and Generation Z. This fieldwork also shows the main characteristics that attract its use. This research also evidences how naturalness, the closeness of viewers to content creators, the creation of a community and the interaction as well as live broadcast are basic elements of the platform's success. Finally, I interrogate the usage made by the platform in two successful cases: the American congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the journalist Emilio Doménech, and discuss how they use these potentialities when communicating. For the time being, the presence of political issues on Twitch is not very common, but this paper illustrates how there is great potential in the platform for both information and political communication as long as the user develops insight into the platform and is adapt communication according to its characteristics.
Keywords: political communication
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Emilio Doménech
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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