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Títol: Efficient Peer Selection in P2P JXTA-Based Platforms
Autoria: XHAFA, FATOS  
Daradoumis, Thanasis  
Barolli, Leonard  
Fernández Correa, Raúl
Caballé, Santi  
Kolici, Vladi
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
Citació: XHAFA, F.; DARADOUMIS, A.; BAROLLI, L. ; FERNÁNDEZ, R.; CABALLÉ, S.; KOLICI, V. (2008). "Efficient Peer Selection in P2P JXTA-Based Platforms". In: BAROLLI, L. (Ed.) In: 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. IEEE Computer Society.
Resum: The results of our work showed the need to develop, implement and evaluate appropriate models for efficient peer selection to match the different requirements of large-scale P2P distributed applications. Although we have used a concrete technology such as JXTA, our approach is applicable in a more general context of P2P and Grid computing domain. Finally, our approach to peer selection through brokerage services is very flexible allowing extensions with other models.
DOI: 10.1109/AINA.2008.10
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Data de publicació: 2008
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