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Title: Tratamiento psicológico del malestar y las dificultades de autorregulación emocional de un menor con CI límite, dificultades del aprendizaje y déficit de atención asociado en un contexto de pandemia: Estudio de caso
Author: Polo Fernández, Ana Isabel
Tutor: Calderero Patino, Marta  
Others: Marsa-Sambola, Ferran  
Abstract: This work presents a proposal for the psychological treatment of discomfort and emotional self-regulation difficulties in a minor with borderline IQ, learning difficulties and associated attention deficit. This project arises in the context of the pandemic that we are experiencing, which has meant greater vulnerability in the capacity for emotional self-regulation of minors who already had special needs or suffered from a mental disorder or ADHD. The objective of the study was to implement an emotional education program focused on the emotional competencies of awareness and emotional regulation, carrying it out from an eclectic and integrative psychotherapeutic approach and from the prism of emotional education.
Keywords: child and adolescent psychology
emotional self-regulation
attention deficit disorder
learning disabilities
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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