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Title: Plan estratégico digital para la empresa Modimontse
Author: Fábregas Navarro, Fernando Enrique
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Abstract: In the following work we will see a digital marketing plan made for the company Modimontse. In it we will be studying the current situation of the economy in Spain after the devastating passage of the coronavirus pandemic and how this has affected SMEs, and entrepreneurship in general in the country. After this, Modimontse has seen a business opportunity to digitize a sector stagnant in time and little innovative. With a due analysis of the market and customers, we have innovated to take the garment repair to another level, without the need for direct contact with the customer and completely digitized if the customer so wishes. For the realization of this research we have followed a qualitative and secondary methodology that has facilitated us to find essential data at the time of the realization of the work. With the data obtained from the research and the strategies established in this work to be carried out by the marketing department of Modimontse and other contracted agencies, we have obtained positive results in terms of the profitability of the implementation of these strategies. At the end of this work we want Modimontse to give the client an image of a company that cares about its customers, that innovates and seeks solutions to problems such as the one we are facing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Providing innovative ideas that help and bring us closer to our customers, but also to other SMEs so that they see that betting on information technology and communication is necessary and viable in 2021.
Keywords: fashion
digital marketing
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 23-Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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