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Title: El llenguatge col·loquial a les sèries d'adolescents: la subtitulació de l'anglès al català de la sèrie Euphoria (2012)
Author: Girart Genovart, Paula
Tutor: Espasa, Eva  
Abstract: Audiovisual translation has become an important issue due to the proliferation of new digital platforms. Specifically, the subtitling of colloquial language in Catalan is a great challenge due to the numerous vulgarisms, borrowings and the lack of available resources. The aim of this work is to study the colloquial language and, especially, the slang used in teen series, through the analysis of the first chapter of the Israeli show Euphoria (2012), original in Hebrew, and its indirect translation from English into Catalan subtitles. Thus, this work will research the characteristics of colloquial language at the linguistic level, but also at the cultural level, with the analysis of the gender stereotypes used in this type of language. Finally, the need of investigating the challenges of colloquial Catalan in this new media paradigm with the current digital platforms will be emphasized.
Keywords: audiovisual translation
colloquial language
teen series
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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