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Title: Nom a nom: Solució geomàtica per a la recollida i inventari de toponímia
Author: Rosés Arbonés, Marc
Tutor: Muñoz Bollas, Anna
Others: Perez-Navarro, Antoni  
Abstract: Toponymy is the way in which, for generations, we have located the elements of the territory. It serves to improve communication between people. How would we explain, without toponyms, where we have gone and where we have passed? We need toponyms for efficient communication. This alone justifies the effort not to lose them. Besides, toponyms are language, culture, geography and living history. When a toponym is lost, an incalculable value is lost with it, a wealth that we will never be able to recover again. Many toponyms are only preserved in the memory of the great people who lived and worked in the countryside or at sea. These people lived completely connected with the territory and, for them, geographical names have a special meaning. This information, unfortunately, is being lost at too fast a pace. Fishermen used them for fishing signs and to mark dangers. Farmers used them to organize crops and pastures. And for all of them, moreover, each toponym is often like a thread from which, if stretched, a fact or a story emerges. The idea of this project is to preserve this living memory through an open source web project that allows to georeference toponyms to all those people who are interested in the culture and geography of a territory, both researchers or philologists and people in the street. Through this simple application we can leave fixed its memory forever and ever and for everyone.
Keywords: toponymy
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jan-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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