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Title: The Pink Box
Author: García Ferrer, Laura
Tutor: Linera Rodriguez, Valeria  
Others: Blasco-Soplon, Laia  
Sanchez de Serdio Martin, Aida  
Abstract: The Pink Box is an artistic research project born with the aim of continuity. It is structured around the creation of an artistic artifact that aims to constitute a tool that contributes to identify, analyze and criticize the mechanisms of gender socialization in early childhood that are set in motion by the socializing action of the family, the school, the peer group, television and social networks and platforms. Gender socialization is not a trivial question; through it, patriarchal society ensures that individuals adapt their behavior and identity to the hegemonic models and expectations created for female or male subjects, enabling the reproduction of androcentric sexual archetypes, which contribute to perpetuate discrimination and violence against women. Since the first step to undertake a social transformation is to be able to clearly understand the problem raised and locate it in its coordinates of origin, this artistic work, from a social and political dimension, seeks to promote reflection and dialogue, also debate and confrontation in the public, seeking to provoke deep emotions, awakening their empathy and facilitating their transformation as a person, with the ultimate goal of achieving a more just and egalitarian society, formed by valuable individuals. The artistic artifact consists of an artist's book composed of a collection of drawings illustrated with ink, aniline and bleach, having also designed and carried out the binding tasks. The typography of the words or phrases that complete the illustrations have been made with different techniques, types and sizes, intrinsically linked to the images with which they form a unit. Each image is hidden with a veil of black tulle, which must be lifted to clearly contemplate the illustration as a ritual, this being the main metaphor. The work immerses us in the mechanisms of subjugation and creation of inequality exercised by patriarchal society on individuals from early childhood, creating impossible images in the reader and encouraging second and third readings of the same text. It is a metaphorical, singular and unique book.
Keywords: early childhood
egalitarian society
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 8-Jan-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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