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Title: Caramel Croquant. Creación de empresa y plan de comunicación digital
Author: Stadlin Agudelo, Isabella
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Abstract: In the current world where we live, industrialization has led us to consume less homemade products, with more chemical ingredients that can lead to health problems. The consumption of this type of products is also affected by living fast, which leads us to solving problems or needs as quickly as possible, regardless of the consequences that could happen next. Our lifestyle is preventing us from having moments of pleasure, enjoyment, joy and above all, moments to share with our beloved ones. Despite all the daily problems and obstacles that human beings are facing, life has to be enjoyed and this can be done in different ways. For many people in France, enjoyment comes from delighting their palate with desserts and cakes that sweeten their lives and allow them to savor moments of pleasure. Caramel Croquant wants to join this task and for therefore it needs a digital communication plan focused on launching its business in France, especially in the Alsace region by 2023. Although the main objective of this business is sales, a strong digital presence is needed to make the target audience aware that the brand exists, generate interest, and build customer loyalty so that in the future they feel part of the company itself. To do this, an exhaustive analysis must be carried out both externally, understanding what are the threats and opportunities that exist, and internally, identifying what the strengths and weaknesses of the company are. With this analysis, it will then be possible to define the digital marketing objectives to be achieved, the target audience to which the campaign is going to be directed, the strategy that best serves to reach this audience, and the necessary tactics to carry out the campaign strategy. Investment in efficient and profitable digital tactics concludes with a positive return on investment, making the project robust and profitable. This result is not only profitable for Caramel Croquant but also marks the way for new entrepreneurs to promote the trend of recovering traditional values, relaunching the figure of the artisan and monitoring healthy and responsible consumption.
Keywords: high quality
digital marketing
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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