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dc.contributor.authorCasillas Santillan, Luis Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorDaradoumis, Thanasis-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)-
dc.identifier.citationCASILLAS, L.A.; DARADOUMIS, A. (2008). "A Quantitative Treatment to Data from Computer-Supported Collaboration: An Ontological Approach". In: 2nd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. CISIS-2008. Barcelona. 4 - 7 March. ISBN: 0-7695-3109-1.-
dc.description.abstractCollaborative activity performed over specific platforms, designed for such purpose, can provide a deep knowledge about the roles, intentions and effects regarding participants and their interaction among themselves and with the knowledge objects available. This study aims at proposing a structured process for gathering the semantics of the activity hidden behind the raw data collected in log files from CSCL platforms. The proposal is based on exploring the semantic elements (activity awareness) through a social networks analysis (SNA). The main focus of our work is to match different behavioral profiles detected in the collaborative activity from CSCL with the formal profiles identified inside a complex concept-network. This network defines an ontology that describes the behavior expected when collaborating in different scenarios and types of activity. When a certain activity sequence matches with a predefined pattern, the concepts related to the pattern are then bound to the real activity sequence.en
dc.rights(c) 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.-
dc.subject.lcshEducational technologyen
dc.subject.lcshInternet en la enseñanza universitariaen
dc.subject.lcshWeb-based instructionen
dc.subject.lcshEducation, Higher -- Effect of technological innovations onen
dc.subject.lcshGroup work in educationen
dc.titleA quantitative treatment to data from computer-supported collaboration: an ontological approach-
dc.audience.mediatorTheme areas::Computer Science, Technology and Multimediaeen
dc.subject.lemacTecnologia educativaca
dc.subject.lemacInternet en l'ensenyament universitarica
dc.subject.lemacEnsenyament virtualca
dc.subject.lemacEnsenyament universitari -- Efecte de les innovacions tecnològiquesca
dc.subject.lemacTreball en equipca
dc.subject.lcshesTecnología educativaes
dc.subject.lcshesInternet en la enseñanza universitariaes
dc.subject.lcshesEnseñanza virtuales
dc.subject.lcshesEnseñanza universitaria -- Efectos de las innovaciones tecnológicases
dc.subject.lcshesTrabajo en equipoes
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