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Title: Estudio e implementación de un Firewall DNS
Author: Navas Ajenjo, Adrián
Tutor: Guaita Pérez, Borja
Others: Garcia-Font, Victor  
Abstract: The increasing use of Information Technologies, and more specifically of the web navigation, leads also to an increment of the number of criminals that try to get illegal profit from these users. To try to stop this kind of attackers, a lot of efforts are made by the implementation of cybersecurity products as firewalls of antivirus software. On the other hand, the DNS protocol is commonly excluded on the scope of these products. Due to the highly use of this protocol in almost every web navigation interaction, it is proposed a study and implementation of a DNS firewall. By using malicious IP and domain open-source information, all the malicious requests are filtered out and redirected to an alert web server alerting about this behavior. First, a state of art and related technologies studies are made. Inside this phase, the implementation viability of a Machine Learning engine to detect phishing attacks is studied. It is proposed in this study a highly available architecture with a metrics recollection and visualization platform applicable to enterprise or homes and that provides relevant information for the future study of the metrics. After all the tests done for the final product, it is concluded the viability and usefulness of the implementation of a DNS firewall as an additional tool to protect users against cyberattacks.
Keywords: cybersecurity
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 26-May-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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