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Title: Medical Reminder
Author: Signes Grimalt, Andrés
Tutor: Martín Lineros, Eduard
Abstract: The guidelines when taking medication are always difficult to remember. What time did I take the last dose? Did I take the pill this morning? These are questions that I have asked myself when I was in the middle of a treatment, Medical Reminder comes to solve this problem. With this app we can add our medication and schedule the periods of intake of our medication, we can also consult all the information about our medication (leaflet, photos, doses ...). The app will consist of an authentication system, so we can save all the user's data in the cloud to be accessible from any device without having to save the information on the device. Once the profile is created, we will be able to add a treatment, indicating the start and end of the medical prescription and define at what time we will take the medication throughout the day. This project will be developed with the Flutter framework using the Dart language that will allow us to obtain an app for the dominant platforms in the mobile field (Android and iOS), the framework also allows us to generate a web, although in principle this will not be a priority in the development.
Keywords: Android
mobile applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: May-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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asignes86TFM0522memoria.pdfMemoria del TFM9,26 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
asignes86TFM0522manualusuario.pdfPresentación del TFM3,33 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail