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Title: L'agitació digital ccom a estratègia de comunicació. "Activa't!" Guia pràctica de comunicació activista
Author: Llésera Girona, Emma
Tutor: Vidal Portés, Eduard
Others: Estanyol, Elisenda  
Abstract: Today anyone can become a digital activist. But how do collectives related to organized and democratic social movements communicate? What kind of strategies do they use? What is the role of communication? Is it used only at an external level with the aim of getting a message to citizens or is it also capable of generating internal coordination networks? In this Master's thesis, a series of key concepts such as power, political communication and participation are studied from a theoretical perspective in order to understand, a posteriori, what their role is in the communication campaigns for social transformation carried out by four collectives chosen with a diverse perspective: the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes (Popular Union of Street Vendors) -because of its link with the anti-racist struggle-, the association Amnesty International -as a reference for the defense of Human Rights-, the Sindicato de Locatarios y Locatarias (Union of Tenants) -for its defense of access to housing-, and the collective Fridays For Future Barcelona -linked to the action for climate justice. Do these collectives have common strategic communication elements? Is there a type of activist communication? The results reveal that the strategy in creating the communication campaigns of the activist brand is not different from the communication campaigns made by large corporations and companies. The real difference is in the message and how it is communicated. However, digital communication also poses limits for activism. From the conclusions drawn from the analysis of four communication campaigns, a practical guide to activist communication is proposed.
Keywords: political communication
social moviments
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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