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Title: Los derechos humanos digitales en la ciberseguridad
Author: Berra Fernández, Alex
Tutor: González Herrera, Daniel
Abstract: Digital security viewed from the State's perspective is hegemonic in public policy-making processes about cybersecurity, which enables the application of measures that deepen human insecurity and, paradoxically, can make of the State another threat to citizens' security. This is the starting point on human cybersecurity. Nevertheless, the recent declaration of digital human rights from state-actors and supranational organizations calls in question the veracity of said point. Thus, through content analysis applied to the digital rights charts, this work aims at unveiling if the charts are being an active part of a securitizing process that pursue increasing State's cybersecurity or if, conversely, we are attending a switch on the referent object of digital security. The findings of this work show that human cybersecurity is being widely enacted in the agents' competition framework, but that remain traces of state-centric cybersecurity prioritized over humancentric cybersecurity. A solid foundation of human cybersecurity in State's policies can become both a constraining field of action and an explanatory axis of an agent's behaviour, which can reduce uncertainty, easing the analysis and projection of its future actions from Security Studies and International Relations.
Keywords: human rights
human cybersecurity
state-centric cybersecurity
digital rights
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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