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Title: Uso de chatbots motivacionales en el tratamiento del tabaquismo: una revisión bibliográfica
Author: Caracuel González, Francisco Jose
Tutor: Eguia, Hans  
Abstract: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. Numerous studies implicate motivation in increasing the effectiveness of tobacco dependence treatments. Technology is shown to be a powerful ally of health, with chatbots or virtual assistants being possible alternatives to motivational advice. A peer review bibliographic of the studies found in PubMed and Proquest in relation to the use of motivational chatbots in the treatment of smoking is carried out. We found four studies that met the criteria, two of them used a chatbot to support tobacco dependence treatment, one used it to motivate smokers to quit, and the fourth used it to train for subsequent patients. Among the results we found a higher rate of abstinence in those who used the chatbot, a lower rate of relapse, a greater motivation to start treatment and a higher degree of satisfaction with the use of the chatbot than with conventional treatments. Among the limitations, one study did not publish its data, there were selection biases and methodological errors in the analysis.
Keywords: peer review
tobacco cessation
motivational interviewing
virtual assitant
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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