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Title: Les polítiques de la nostàlgia: de la condemna a la redempció
Author: Knudsen Esquerda, Steen
Tutor: Navarra Ordoño, Andreu
Others: Núñez, Francesc  
Abstract: In this paper we will question the political character of nostalgia, that is, its reactionary character or its emancipatory possibilities, in the theses of Walter Benjamin's On the Concept of History (1940), while at the same time we will propose a theoretical development that traces the discourse of nostalgia and its social and political tensions in modernity. Thus, after a biographical and political approach to Walter Benjamin, we will analyse the role of nostalgia in his production. To grasp this phenomenon in its entirety, however, we will need to develop a theory of nostalgia that takes into account the tensions of the idea of progress in the temporal paradigm of modernity, as well as Marxism's treatment of the past and its rejection of nostalgic discourse. On the other hand, we will also expose the approaches between emancipatory politics and nostalgic sentiment that have been stated from several thinkers of the first Frankfurt School, but also in recent postmodern criticism. Finally, we will attempt an interpretation of Benjaminian politics from a theory of nostalgia, putting the weight on the ideas of citation, dialectical image, organization of pessimism, tradition of the oppressed and redemption.
Keywords: nostalgia
Walter Benjamin
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 22-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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