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Title: Causes de finalització dels acolliments en família extensa a l’Alt Penedès 2014-2022. Propostes de millora en la intervenció psicopedagògica
Author: Rus Gómez, Pere
Tutor: Jardi Ferre, Andrea
Others: Fernández-Ferrer, Maite  
Abstract: Background: foster care in extended family (AFE) is the preferred protection measure for homeless children, although in recent years it has been losing its hegemony to the increase in residential foster care. Objectives: to study the family profile and the causes of termination of the AFE in Alt Penedès in order to propose improvements in the psycho-pedagogical intervention. Participants and context: this research systematically studies the total population (139 cases of the county Extended Family Integration Service fenced and opened between 2014 and 2022). Two expert researchers in AFE from Catalonia and Spain also participated. Method: given the scarcity of previous research, this empirical study of trend from an ex-post-facto methodology assesses indicators and risk factors of administrative resolutions, family files and technical documentation, analyzed quantitatively using basic descriptive statistical techniques. The qualitative information from the questionnaires is analyzed thematically by categories. Results: the regional trend of the AFE is similar to the Catalan and Spanish trends: mostly adolescent males taken in by grandmothers or maternal aunts, in couples or single-parent women. It is usually a stable measure, with permanence in the same foster family. The PFAs end due to the age of majority (44.61%), return to the parents (20%) and breakup (35.39% in the broad conception and 16.92% in the restricted conception due to the will of the foster mother or adolescent, since 18.47% is due to a technical proposal). Conclusions: although the causes of breakup fall mainly on the foster aunts, more than on the fostered adolescents, it was not possible to attribute a direct or indirect incidence to the parents. A psycho-pedagogical intervention is proposed, with a gender and intergenerational perspective, centered on the minors and built with them, providing support for the normalization of their situation. Training and group work can contribute to prevent the termination of foster care.
Keywords: reception
psycho-pedagogical intervention
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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